Well, The Saskatoon Santa Claus Parade was held on Nov 17. 6 - Saskatoon 567 Club vehicles made up our "float". Al Carlson, Jerry Demeria, Peter Gall, Jim Cruse, Garry Cherneske and Cliff Oviatt all had their cars there. The Davies Family was there in support and our 567 banner carriers. There was a nice gentle snow that fell most of the day. We had walkers,Nancy Cruse and Larry Crandell handing out candy to all the kids along the parade route. Not sure who had more fun, our members or the kids!! Our Club won best Motor Vehicles display for the parade. Thanks to all the members that brought their cars down and the members or spouses and friends that supported the parade and the club!
Special thanks to Al Sweet and Jerry Demeria for passing this along.
Annual Christmas Dinner with Pictures
The Edmonton & Area 567 2013 Christmas Dinner was held on Dec 4th @ Black-Jack’s Roadhouse, The food was superb!! and the Fellowship was terrific!
There was the Regular 50/50 draw, which the winners were :
Cash Draw – Laurie Cornish,
Christmas wine Kit – Bernie McIvor ( prize donated by Diamond Trucks)
1957 Chevy Tin Sign- Daymion Weiss ( Donated by Amand Lindgren)..
There were 13 gifts up for draw for all those in attendance also.. Special thanks goes out to Don Cornish for setting up this outing for the Club..
A special moment had occurred when the Car Club members recognized the efforts of Richard Wheatley , Don Cornish & Jim Kennedy. These fellows have contributed over many years to the support &
efforts to the Edmonton & Area 567 Club .. A very touching moment!
Please note: in the award picture presentation, Daymion Weiss( our V.P) accepted the award for Richard Wheatley as Richard was unable to attend, But Jim ( Perogy Prince) & Don ( Da’ Cranberry Guru) were there!!
Below are pictures taken at the event - if you attended and have photos of your own - feel free to send them to our email address.

240 Gordie Bonin Passes Away
It is with great sadness to forward the following message to the club.
From - Jim Kennedy
"My fellow members, a recent supporter of our club and most recently, our “Bowties vs the World” Charity S/S, has left us. On November 29, 2013 in Las Vegas Nevada, “240” Gordie Bonin passed away.
I met up “240 Gordie” a few times over the years and followed his drag racing exploits for a long time, even when he was active though the 90’s. The club had the pleasure to have “240” appear at our 2012 Show n Shine, he signed autograghs & assisted the club in obtaining some autographed photos from his friends for our silent auctions, - he even brought out the restored Front engine dragster that started it all for him, for our show.. He was given the “240” title when he constantly ran his Nitro Fuel Funny Cars at 240 M.P.H or faster. he was the 1st to obtain that speed quicker than anyone else in that class at the time. I had received many e-mails from him since 2012 & he was often thinking of coming out to the event again.
“240” Gordie was truly a likable fella’, a True Canadian Hot Rodding Legend and if you had the chance to chat with him, he was someone who would leave you with an everlasting impression. His support was Terrific!!!!
Thank-you “240” for all your help and May God Bless !!!
Jim Kennedy
Condolences to the friends and family of Gordie Bonin.
November 2013 Meeting Minutes
Here are the minutes from the November meeting, in case you missed out and want to catch up.
Meeting started November 6, 2013 @ 7 p.m 10 members present
Discussion held on the past October’s meeting & Treasurer Report from Oct. Included ,the October’s minutes & Treasurer’s report were widely accepted & passed by the members present..
1- Treasurer’s report for November was presented and accepted by all present.
2- Upcoming Raffle was briefly discussed, The tickets will be ready & GIVEN OUT to all members at the December meeting/Christmas Dinner & at the January meeting..
Tickets are a book of 30 tickets & sell for $2.00 each OR 3 for $ 5.00 ( SELL, SELL,SELL)
The Prizes are as follows : 1st- 1955 Full Metal pedal car 2nd- a 1957 Chevy front nose Wall hanging 3rd- A $ 100.00 Gas Card… Draw date is at the 2014 Bowties vs the World S/S on August 23/2014..
3- A short report was given on the October “Quick Times” swap meet, The event was well attended and lots of items for sale including some 567 vehicles. Note: The club was not there due to a lack of membership support..
4- Our Annual Club’s Christmas Dinner/Gathering is on Dec.4th at Black Jack’s Roadhouse at our usual upstairs location.. A quick meeting will occur also.. Please Check Our Website for all The Info !!!
5- Discussion on the Event & Club T-shirts was presented, Jim K. is still getting some more price quotes from the various promotion houses, so far the people at Elite Sports have a “fair” price on what we are looking for, some are way too expensive for our needs.. Stay Tuned…
A decision will be made at our January Meeting…
6- A discussion was held on our Club presenting a “Spring Time” swap meet.. Where & When was discussed. One thing known is that it would be a 1 day affair and it was heavily accepted, that the Edmonton area needs this… Request to all members to check into a Location & rental costs for a report to start the Idea “ rolling”, we need a large area to hold this event plus parking and more discussion is needed and a final decision to be made at the February 2014 Meeting.. Nay or Yay…
7- 2014 Club Executive elections are slated at the January meeting, so start thinking of if you or someone you know, want to be in the various positions. They are Club Prez, Club V.P, Club Treasurer, Club Secretary, Club membership Director & Club Social Director ( as of now the full membership are the Social Planners)..
8- A short discussion about the business called “ Premier Garage Condos” was presented, they had their Grand Opening with all the “hoopla” on Oct 26th/2013.. They have a nice showroom and also have a “Club Room” for area clubs to hold their meetings.
9- Once again all members are URGED to use our many features on our Website, most notably the Swap & Shop area..
10- 50/50 was won by Gordie T & other winners were Armand L & Clayton S.
Meeting ended @ 8:30 p.m Next Meeting on Dec 4th Minutes recorded by Brian C.
Meeting started November 6, 2013 @ 7 p.m 10 members present
Discussion held on the past October’s meeting & Treasurer Report from Oct. Included ,the October’s minutes & Treasurer’s report were widely accepted & passed by the members present..
1- Treasurer’s report for November was presented and accepted by all present.
2- Upcoming Raffle was briefly discussed, The tickets will be ready & GIVEN OUT to all members at the December meeting/Christmas Dinner & at the January meeting..
Tickets are a book of 30 tickets & sell for $2.00 each OR 3 for $ 5.00 ( SELL, SELL,SELL)
The Prizes are as follows : 1st- 1955 Full Metal pedal car 2nd- a 1957 Chevy front nose Wall hanging 3rd- A $ 100.00 Gas Card… Draw date is at the 2014 Bowties vs the World S/S on August 23/2014..
3- A short report was given on the October “Quick Times” swap meet, The event was well attended and lots of items for sale including some 567 vehicles. Note: The club was not there due to a lack of membership support..
4- Our Annual Club’s Christmas Dinner/Gathering is on Dec.4th at Black Jack’s Roadhouse at our usual upstairs location.. A quick meeting will occur also.. Please Check Our Website for all The Info !!!
5- Discussion on the Event & Club T-shirts was presented, Jim K. is still getting some more price quotes from the various promotion houses, so far the people at Elite Sports have a “fair” price on what we are looking for, some are way too expensive for our needs.. Stay Tuned…
A decision will be made at our January Meeting…
6- A discussion was held on our Club presenting a “Spring Time” swap meet.. Where & When was discussed. One thing known is that it would be a 1 day affair and it was heavily accepted, that the Edmonton area needs this… Request to all members to check into a Location & rental costs for a report to start the Idea “ rolling”, we need a large area to hold this event plus parking and more discussion is needed and a final decision to be made at the February 2014 Meeting.. Nay or Yay…
7- 2014 Club Executive elections are slated at the January meeting, so start thinking of if you or someone you know, want to be in the various positions. They are Club Prez, Club V.P, Club Treasurer, Club Secretary, Club membership Director & Club Social Director ( as of now the full membership are the Social Planners)..
8- A short discussion about the business called “ Premier Garage Condos” was presented, they had their Grand Opening with all the “hoopla” on Oct 26th/2013.. They have a nice showroom and also have a “Club Room” for area clubs to hold their meetings.
9- Once again all members are URGED to use our many features on our Website, most notably the Swap & Shop area..
10- 50/50 was won by Gordie T & other winners were Armand L & Clayton S.
Meeting ended @ 8:30 p.m Next Meeting on Dec 4th Minutes recorded by Brian C.
Annual 567 Club Christmas Dinner
It's that time of year - and for the club's Annual Christmas Supper.
This year the supper will be December 4, 2013 at Blackjack's Roadhouse around 6:30pm, 18+ Only please.
The cost is $28.99 per person, which includes GST and manditory large-group gratuity. Payment will be accepted at the door, and there will be prizes.. not to mention the great food we've all come to enjoy from Blackjack's. A cash bar will be available so be sure to have a little extra on hand.
This event is open to all paid members and legal-aged members of their families.
Please contact Don Cornish before November 30 to RSVP for headcount purposes. 1-780-929-2937
This year the supper will be December 4, 2013 at Blackjack's Roadhouse around 6:30pm, 18+ Only please.
The cost is $28.99 per person, which includes GST and manditory large-group gratuity. Payment will be accepted at the door, and there will be prizes.. not to mention the great food we've all come to enjoy from Blackjack's. A cash bar will be available so be sure to have a little extra on hand.
This event is open to all paid members and legal-aged members of their families.
Please contact Don Cornish before November 30 to RSVP for headcount purposes. 1-780-929-2937
October 2013 Meeting Minutes
Enclosed are the public meeting minutes, so you're prepared for the November meeting.
Minutes of the October 2,2013 Monthly Meeting of the
Edmonton & Area 567 Club
@ BlackJack’s Roadhouse
1. Call to
order – at 7:08 p.m with 13 members
present. The minutes from the September meeting were read & accepted by all
in attendance..
3. Kids with
Cancer Donation – The sum of $1500.00
was presented to the people at the Kids with cancer office by our Prez. Roy
& was Greatly Appreciated by the Society Roy got a quick tour of the
operation & office of this group & passed on their Thank-you’s for our
donation… Maybe a club tour will be in the “cards” in the future..
4. Quick times
Swap meet- We will not be at the
Oct.12 swap meet, as we have been there for the past number of years. Jim &
Don have other commitments and no other club members are able to go in their
5. Club BBQ- The date has been secured and the facility has been
too.. The date for our Annual Summer BBQ is slated for August 10/2014. Bernie M. has been making the arrangements for our
group.. Thanks, Bernie !!
6. Annual Club
Christmas Supper – Will be held on December 4/2013 @ this location. Don.C
to talk to Clarence on the Menu & plate costs and will have the “info” at
the Nov. Meeting.. This is open to all present 2013 Paid members & their families. The plate costs to be covered by
the members this year… PLEASE give Don C. a call so he can have a “HEAD COUNT”
for the restaurant ASAP !!!! The DEADLINE is Nov.30/2013 !!!!!!!
request by Jim to all members, to pursue some door prizes to use as a Gift
draw, like we have had in the past.. If you can help out , call Jim..
7. Website
update – Kellen gave a report on the
Club’s website, it had 1220 “hits” for the month of Sept. The top Traffic
source was from Google & Bing. The members are urged to use our “Swap &
Shop” feature. Check the website out & follow the instructions..
New Business
1. Club Raffle – The prizes have been arranged & we will have 3
prizes again to offer. Don.C has sold us his “Door Prize” that he won @ Mission
Raceway this summer. Here are the Prizes – 1-
1955 Chevy Pedal car with a Turqoise/White color. 2 – A 1957 Chevy “Nose Piece” wall hanging & 3- a $100.00 Gas card.. Tickets are
$2.00 each or 3 for $5.00..
The tickets are to be
printed and then handed out on our December meeting or Christmas supper &
at our January Meeting ( if needed)..
All Club Members are asked
to participate in this endeaver !!!!
2. Member
Appreciation – Kellen brought forward
a idea to recognize the efforts of club members for their Dedication to the
club.. This idea was widely accepted by the members and the motion passed. A
committee was formed with Kellen, Roy & Dougie J. They are to meet to start
the process..
3. Show n Shine
– The 2014 “Bowties vs the World”
show n Shine is slated for August
23/2014.. Jim said that he would again work on it.. This will be year #14
for this event!!!!
4. T-Shirts – Jim got a price from Elite sportswear on having
event t-shirts done as requested by the membership and also new Club t-shirts..
He is going to get another estimate from someplace else before we get them
5. Swap meet
Idea – This idea is still on the “charts”
for next spring.
All members are to check
into the availability of a venue and the rental costs..
50/50 Prize Winners
Meeting Adjourned @ 9:15 p.m
Meeting recorded By: Jim K. ( Temp )
Open Position
To all members and interested parties - the club is looking for a new Secretary. If interested, please contact us via EMAIL inquiring about tasks and responsibilities. With that said, we thank Richard Wheatley for all of his contributions and the excellent work he did as the clubs incumbant secretary.
Bow-ties vs the World - The Aftermath
Club president Roy Marko had the pleasure of personally delivering this year's proceeds from the Bow-Ties vs the World Charity Show & Shine to representatives of the Kids with Cancer Society.
Once again, a gigantic thank you to every single person who participated, contributed, showcased, volunteered, and pretty much had anything to do with the event in question. See you again next year.
Once again, a gigantic thank you to every single person who participated, contributed, showcased, volunteered, and pretty much had anything to do with the event in question. See you again next year.
Upcoming Events for the Month of October 2013
The following is a list of events for members and enthusiasts to bring their vehicles out to, located in the greater Edmonton Area for the coming month.
MORE Bow-Ties Photos
Thanks to Elaine Garner who submitted some photos from the Bow-Ties event. Below are Don Kawalilak and his 1984 Monte Carlo, as well as Keith Garner and his 1979 Chevy Silverado Long Box
Also, here's a picture of Don Cornish destroying the competition for the sixth consecutive time. Pie Eating Champion.
Bow-Ties Vehicle Photos
There were well over 100 vehicles entered at the Bow-Ties vs the World Show and Shine - if you spot yours - post in the comments where your picture is and I'll update it to include your name and car. (Please count the row, and state if your picture is on the left or right.)
August 2013 Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the August 7, 2013
Monthly Meeting of the
Edmonton 5-6-7 Chevy Club
held at the premises
of the Blackjack Café
located in Nisku,
Call to Order
The Meeting was presided over by President,
Roy Marko and was Called to Order at 7:20 p.m.
Present at the Meeting:
Roy Marko, President
Daymion Weiss V.P
Richard Wheatley, Secretary
Jim Kennedy Treasurer
Don Cornish
And 14 other members
The Minutes of last month’s meeting held on
the first Wednesday of July were read by President Marko and a few of the items
were discussed. Announcement and reports
were made as follows:
a) The Summer Barbecue for the Club is on August 11, 2013 at 11:30 a.m. at Devon,
Alberta. It was announced that we need 4
extra prizes for the barbecue at Devon, which will have our annual 1/64 scale
drag race. Hamburgers and smokies plus
beverage will be avail for paid members. However the 1/64 drag race has a $5.00
entry fee per person..
b) Availability of Canopies – Jim Kennedy said that we needed 2 more canopies for the show n
shine. Members were asked to bring theirs if they can
c) Broadcast/Advertising News – Kellen Kennedy said he had arranged for some items for our Show and
Shine, and to have the event advertised on radio. The Mall has arranged the
advertising on the radio and paid for it, saving the club lots of $$$$$.
d) Our Show and Shine will once again be at the Northgate Shopping Centre in Edmonton. The total number of awards which will be
given out to winners is presently at 24
e) Northgate Mall – It was announced that the Northgate Mall will help with publicity
for our Show and Shine.
f) Show and Shine & other News – Jim announced that the Show and Shine will
have vendors who will be selling automobile products, such as car polishes and
waxes, etc. Jim confirmed that the Super
Chevy Show, which is produced by an organization in the U.S., will be having
their Alberta Show on September 1st Labor Day long weekend and it
will be held at the Castrol Raceway. Maybe we can have some members & their
vehicles appear at this show…
g) Blackjack Premises at Nisku – It was noted that we prefer to have our
meetings (which are to be held in the Blackjack premises at Nisku from here on)
on the second floor of the Blackjack premises. Having food brought up to the 2nd
floor will be discussed with Clarence for next meeting..
h) Liability Insurance – Jim announced that the insurance covering our club activities is due
and it will, according to Jim, likely be more expensive that last years. A Motion was made that we pay the necessary
premium and the Motion was PASSED. This covers our insurance for the year 2014.
i) Flowers for Funeral – Jim Kennedy announced that former Club Member’s wife, Mrs. Joyce (
Horst) Urbaniak, had passed away. Jim said he arranged for flowers for her
Our Website – It was announced that our
website attracted approximately 1,200 visits during the month of July.
50/50 Prize
The 50/50 draw was won by Keith Garner.
Meeting Adjourned
The Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Recorded by:
Wheatley, Secretary
Bow-Ties vs the World Results
August 24 was a heck of a busy day, with well over 100 vehicles showing up, a handful of contests, and a generally excellent hot Saturday Afternoon enjoyed by all (or at the very least, most) there's a LOT of photos and info coming up about the money raised for Kids with Cancer Society. Thanks to all contributors, participants, sponsors, and everyone else who took part. Below are the award results and photos.
Super Chevy Show (w/ Pics)
Last week Dan Brennan, Brian Cherneske, Jim Kennedy Wade Sjostrom and Don Cornish took part in the first Canadian Super Chevy Show at the Castrol Raceway.
Huge Thank You
Huge thanks to everyone who sponsored, set up, exhibited and participated in the 13th Annual Bow-Ties vs the World Show & Shine yesterday at Northgate Mall in Edmonton. The event was a gigantic success and we couldn't have done it without all of you. Stay tuned over the next couple weeks as photos, updates and other information come online. Congratulations to all of our contest winners (including the horrifying impressive 66 second showing it took for Don Cornish to devour an entire Blueberry Pie) and keep checking in to the site
Upcoming Events for the Month of September 2013
The following is a list of events for members and enthusiasts to bring their vehicles out to, located in the greater Edmonton Area for the coming month.
Upcoming Event : 13th Annual "Bow-Ties vs. the World" Show and Shine (REMINDER)
UPDATE - August 20, 2013 - Just a reminder that the big event is this Saturday. Can't wait to see you out there!
UPDATE - June 14, 2013 - Thanks to all who inquired about sponsoring this years event. We have reached our limit with regards to trophy sponsorships, however - you are more than welcome to contact Jim Kennedy at 780-473-4559 about other opportunities.
The Edmonton & Area 567 Car Club, in conjunction with The Kids with Cancer Society, will be holding its 13th Annual Bow Ties vs The World Show and Shine Event at Northgate Mall (137ave and 97st, Edmonton AB) on August 24, 2013.
UPDATE - June 14, 2013 - Thanks to all who inquired about sponsoring this years event. We have reached our limit with regards to trophy sponsorships, however - you are more than welcome to contact Jim Kennedy at 780-473-4559 about other opportunities.
The Edmonton & Area 567 Car Club, in conjunction with The Kids with Cancer Society, will be holding its 13th Annual Bow Ties vs The World Show and Shine Event at Northgate Mall (137ave and 97st, Edmonton AB) on August 24, 2013.
Super Chevy Show - August 31 (Nisku)
Be a part of Canada's ONLY Manufacturer Series event: Super Chevy Show Series. Incredible show cars take centre stage in the nation's largest single-make car show series. Each of the Manufacturers Series events are designed to offer a little something for everyone in a family oriented atmosphere for "Big Three" American automotive brand enthusiasts. While the Midway showcases performance aftermarket and restoration products from show sponsors and vendors, participants including bracket racers looking to earn payouts on the Drag strip, to restoration experts showing off their finished masterpiece in the Car Show or searching for that hard to find part at the Swap Meet, to those looking for the perfect project car in the Car Corral.
Entry Prices:
Car Show Registration: $40.00
Drag Racing: $50.00
AutoCross: $40.00
Drag Racing & AutoCross ONLY: $50.00
Swap Meet: $25.00
Manufacturers Midway (10'x20'): $200.00
Car Clubs and organized groups with 10 or more entries will receive $10 off per registration. Car show and show n' shine open to all class body and/or powered makes and models.
Super Chevy Show - Downloadable PDF Entry Form
For classes and rules information, click here.
For more information or to register, please contact Kimberly Reeves at (780) 699-9534 or kimberly@castrolraceway.com
This could be a great way to get our clubs name out there - we're hoping for at least 10 of our members to come out and rep the tri-5. Hope to hear from you soon. Contact Jim to verify your interest.
August 17 - Pro Stock Performance Show & Shine (with Pictures)
Here are some pictures from the Pro Stock Performance Show and Shine. Roy Marko, Jim Kennedy and Dan Brennan attended.
Congratulations to Jim who won an award for his 1955 Chevy

Congratulations to Jim who won an award for his 1955 Chevy

Members are welcome to join our friends and sponsors at Pro Stock Performance for their Show and Shine this Saturday in Edmonton. Info is in the attached picture and proceeds will go to the Alberta Diabetes Foundation.
See you there!
Recap of the Edmonton 567 Club BBQ
Last Sunday, August 11, was the clubs annual Barbecue in Devon, AB. The weather was great, the food was delicious and everyone had a great time. Below are pictures of the event.
After the members stomachs had settled from all the perfectly grilled Smokies and Burgers, the club got into some serious racin' action with the 1/64 scale Hot Wheels Race. Below are the results
Hot Rod Class
Chris Cherneske
Classic Class
Corey Thorburn (1965 Nova Wagon)
Muscle Car
Corey Thorburn (1965 Nova Wagon)
Open Class
Corey Thorburn (1965 Nova Wagon)
Congratulations to the Top Eliminators, especially Corey, who won three of the four competitions. Fun was had by all, even the wives who watched as their husbands got to be "little boys" again.

After the members stomachs had settled from all the perfectly grilled Smokies and Burgers, the club got into some serious racin' action with the 1/64 scale Hot Wheels Race. Below are the results
Hot Rod Class
Chris Cherneske
Classic Class
Corey Thorburn (1965 Nova Wagon)
Muscle Car
Corey Thorburn (1965 Nova Wagon)
Open Class
Corey Thorburn (1965 Nova Wagon)
Congratulations to the Top Eliminators, especially Corey, who won three of the four competitions. Fun was had by all, even the wives who watched as their husbands got to be "little boys" again.
August 11th - Annual 567 Club BBQ
Join us on Sunday, August 11th in Devon, AB for the Edmonton & Area 567 Club Annual BBQ. All paid members and their families are welcome to take part in the festivities - which include 1/64 scale Electronic Drag Races.
Sunday August 11th
Lions Campground Gazebo
Devon, AB
Bring your own chairs, ball gloves, drinks and cars. If you want to take part in the $5 Electronic Drag Race - bring your Hot Wheels, Johnny Lightning and Matchbox type cars.
The club will provide Burgers, Smokies and salads.
It'd be a great gesture for club members to take part in setup and takedown so that we can leave the campgrounds in prestige condition for the next campers.
See you there!
Devon is located 15 minutes SW of Edmonton, Alberta, near the junction of Hwy 60 and Hwy 19, and adjacent to the Devon Golf & Conference Centre. To get directions by car click here and follow instructions on google.
Sunday August 11th
Lions Campground Gazebo
Devon, AB
Bring your own chairs, ball gloves, drinks and cars. If you want to take part in the $5 Electronic Drag Race - bring your Hot Wheels, Johnny Lightning and Matchbox type cars.
The club will provide Burgers, Smokies and salads.
It'd be a great gesture for club members to take part in setup and takedown so that we can leave the campgrounds in prestige condition for the next campers.
See you there!
Devon is located 15 minutes SW of Edmonton, Alberta, near the junction of Hwy 60 and Hwy 19, and adjacent to the Devon Golf & Conference Centre. To get directions by car click here and follow instructions on google.
Langley Loafer Car Show & Old Time Drags Recap (July 27-28)
Recently Don and Laurie Cornish, as well as Jim and Linda Kennedy attender the Langley Loafer event in Mission, British Columbia. Below are pictures of the event.
Also, congratulations to Don, for winning a raffle prize of a 1957 Chevy Front Nose Wall Hanging during the event.
Also, congratulations to Don, for winning a raffle prize of a 1957 Chevy Front Nose Wall Hanging during the event.
Cougar Paint & Collision Present - RETRO DAY July 13 (Updated)
On July 13, 567 Club Members Jim Kennedy and Wade Sjostrom attended Cougar Paint & Collision's RETRO DAY at Northlands Park.
Below are pictures from the event.
Below are pictures from the event.
Upcoming Events for the Month of August 2013
The following is a list of events for members and enthusiasts to bring their vehicles out to, located in the greater Edmonton Area for the coming month.
VIDEO - 630CHED Interview with Jim Kennedy
Edmonton 567 club Member Jim Kennedy was interviewed by 630 CHED's Bruce Bowie at the Cougar Paint & Collisions Retro Days at Northlands Park in Edmonton on July 13, 2013. Jim talks about his 1955 Chevy and the upcoming Bow-Ties vs. the World Car show on August 24th.
A Sad Announcement
We regret to announce the recent passing of Joyce Urbaniuk, wife and sidekick of former longtime member Horst Urbaniuk of Langley BC. Both Horst and Joyce were great assets to the club with an extensive history of participating and helping with Edmonton & Area 567 club events.
On behalf of the Edmonton & Area 567 Car Club, we'd like to pass our deepest condolences to Horst and his family at this difficult time.
Camrose Cruisers Car Show Recap
Getting out to these events is not only a great way to show off your hard work and dedication, but to promote the club itself. Once again, we're very happy to see such activity and proud to be keepin' the Tri-5 Alive!
Click "Read More" for more photos
New Event! Bonnyville Gear Grabbers' Car 3rd Annual Classic Car Show
For any interested members who can and/or will be in the Bonnyville Area on July 27th:
Saturday, July 27th marks the 3rd Annual Gear Grabbers Classic & the Edmonton 567 Car Club has been invited to attend and take part in the show! The show has grown from 60 vehicles in the first year to 135 in 2012. With your support, the BGG's hope to set new club records this year.
Registration: 9am-11am
Show: 11am-3:30pm Mini Cruise through Bonnyville & Lakeshore to follow
Location: C2 Centre Parking Lot (4313-50th Ave)
Top 10 Format, People’s Choice, etc. BGG Club Members excluded from trophies etc.
All domestic, & import vehicles & motorcycles welcome!
-John Force Road Show on location! A rare chance to view & touch genuine NHRA funny cars from the most famous name in drag racing!
-Mobile Chassis Dyno
-Live Music by FKB
-Kid`s Activities
-Beer Gardens
-V8 & Snap On BBQ Raffles
-Farmers Market
-Loads of Prizes
-All proceeds to Bonnyville Boys & Girls Club & Autism Awareness
For further info call Shon (780)573-8951 or email shong@ducharmemotors.com
You can also find further information at:
Where is Bonnyville? http://town.bonnyville.ab.ca/index.php/visiting-bonnyville/getting-to-bonnyville
Hope to see you at the show
Saturday, July 27th marks the 3rd Annual Gear Grabbers Classic & the Edmonton 567 Car Club has been invited to attend and take part in the show! The show has grown from 60 vehicles in the first year to 135 in 2012. With your support, the BGG's hope to set new club records this year.
Registration: 9am-11am
Show: 11am-3:30pm Mini Cruise through Bonnyville & Lakeshore to follow
Location: C2 Centre Parking Lot (4313-50th Ave)
Top 10 Format, People’s Choice, etc. BGG Club Members excluded from trophies etc.
All domestic, & import vehicles & motorcycles welcome!
-John Force Road Show on location! A rare chance to view & touch genuine NHRA funny cars from the most famous name in drag racing!
-Mobile Chassis Dyno
-Live Music by FKB
-Kid`s Activities
-Beer Gardens
-V8 & Snap On BBQ Raffles
-Farmers Market
-Loads of Prizes
-All proceeds to Bonnyville Boys & Girls Club & Autism Awareness
For further info call Shon (780)573-8951 or email shong@ducharmemotors.com
You can also find further information at:
Where is Bonnyville? http://town.bonnyville.ab.ca/index.php/visiting-bonnyville/getting-to-bonnyville
Hope to see you at the show
Meeting Minutes for July 2013
Minutes of the July 3, 2013
Monthly Meeting of the
Edmonton 5-6-7 Chevy Club
held at the premises
of Fargo’s Restaurant located in the
Capilano Shopping
Centre at 5804 Terrace Road, Edmonton, Alberta
Call to Order
The Meeting opened at 7:05 p.m. and there
were 19 members. Minutes of the last
monthly meeting were read by President, Roy Marko.
Camrose Show and Shine
Our Vice-President, Daymion, reported that
the Camrose Show and Shine date had to be rebooked for Saturday, July 6,
2013. He said that the vehicles would
cruise around Camrose at 6:00 p.m. It
was estimated that about 6 Club members would attend and that they would meet
at the Looma Esso Station at 9:00 a.m. Saturday morning.
Father’s Day Car Shows
A Father’s Day Car Show was held on Vancouver
Island. Over 500 cars attended at the
Car Show at Qualicum Beach. 1950’s and 60’s music was played. Any car or year was there. It was not restricted to a particular make of
a Chevrolet vehicle.
4. Ukrainian Village Car Show
Brian Cherneske said that he attended the Car
Show at the Ukrainian Village located a few miles east of Edmonton. It was a
good show..
Bow-Ties vs the World Show and Shine
Jim Kennedy reported that a new welcome flag
will be used this year at our Show and Shine.
He said it was estimated that 120 picture folders will be needed. The
new club 4X8 banner is done &
The awards will be completed in Early
August.. Ballot sheets also need to be printed, will be done in early August as
well.. Northgate Centre has goodie bags ready for the show..
Jim also said that members of a city Roller
Derby group may have its members attend our Show and Shine. Plus the group
“MADD” will be at the show with their message & booth..
Jim Kennedy said that he was still trying to
get a skipping demonstration by a teenage club attend our Show and Shine. If
anyone knows of a group that could use some exposure, call Jim..
Jim Kennedy said he still needs more door
prizes for our Show and Shine and to have business cards to attach to the
donated prizes.
And there is Vendor space available as well,
have them contact Jim… @ 780-473-4559 or
e-mail jskennedy@shaw.ca
for more info….
Our August BBQ
Jim Kennedy said that everything should be
ready to go by Wednesday, August 7, 2013, the date of August 11th @ Lions campground in
Devon, in the gazebo is the date. All 2013 PAID members & their Families are welcome.. More discussion
at the Aug.7th Meeting..
Jim Kennedy said that all money spent on
our Annual Show and Shine could come from the sponsors, and again he doesn't think the
club’s savings account will be affected..
The Club’s New Website
A report will be given by Kellen Kennedy
regarding our new website. There have
been 1,200 visits to our website to date, which means that these people will be
familiar with the fact that our Club is very active and has a lot of supporters. He said that most of the people who have
viewed our website are from the Edmonton area. Members have given the “Thumbs
up” on the new site..
Meeting Location of
our Monthly Meetings
It was reported that Blackjack’s facility in
Nisku is still a possibility for Monthly Meetings.
Clarence Shields is putting together a deal
to have an American-style Truck-stop. He
said Americans would like Blackjack’s and not have to come into the City of
Edmonton. Clarence said he would
advertise our presence at future monthly meetings if we change the location to
Blackjack’s. Blackjack’s are eager to
have us meet at their premises in Nisku. And have indicated
That they will assist us with “whatever” if
A Motion was then to hold our August Meeting at Blackjack’s in Nisku, and to hold
all future monthly meetings at Blackjack’s if things warrant this. This Motion passed with only one objection.
Jim Kennedy noted that he was now officially
Retired from his full-time job with EPCOR. CONGRATS JIM !!!
He also said not to forget our August
barbecue. Everyone should bring some
food and it is open to all members and their friends and families. Brian Cherneske said that letters should be
sent to all persons who want to invite friends so that they could use them to
send to the invitees. This may cause problems so the membership has requested
that only Paid members & their families could attend. Note: The annual
Club’s 1/64 scale electronic drag races will be held also. Bring your Hot
Wheels, Johnny Lightning or Matchbox cars.. Entry fee is $5.00 per persons
& there are 4 classes..
9. 50/50 Prize
The 50/50 cash prize draw was won by Henry Irving
10. Meeting Adjourned
The Meeting then adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Recorded by:
Wheatley, Secretary
Upcoming Events for the Month of July 2013
The following is a list of events for members and enthusiasts to bring their vehicles out to, located in the greater Edmonton Area for the coming month.
Edmonton & Area Club Mini Grand Prix (2012)
On March 7, 2012, after the usual monthly meeting, several members of the Edmonton & Area 567 club opted to cruise over to Speedster's Go Karts for an impromptu (and inaugral) Edmonton & Area 567 Club Mini Grand Prix Night.
Upcoming Events for the month of June 2013
The following is a list of events for members and enthusiasts to bring their vehicles out to, located in the greater Edmonton Area for the remainder of the month.
For all future months, the events post be available the Friday before the coming month.
For all future months, the events post be available the Friday before the coming month.
Meeting Minutes - June 2013
Minutes of the June 5, 2013
Monthly Meeting of the Edmonton 5-6-7 Chevy Club
held at the premises of Fargo’s Restaurant located in the
Capilano Shopping Centre at 5804 Terrace Road, Edmonton, Alberta
Meeting Minutes - May 2013
Minutes of the May 1, 2013
Monthly Meeting of the Edmonton 5-6-7 Chevy Club
held at the premises of Fargo’s on Capilano
located at 5804 Terrace Road, Edmonton, Alberta
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