567 Club’s charity calendar- 14 months from December 2019 thru to January 2021- Featuring various member’s vehicles & of course Great Looking Ladies, Price only $10.00 each plus S/H $5.00... for yours please e-mail jskennedy@shaw.ca to place your order or to make arrangements to pick up ...They make a great stocking stuffer !! Please Note: ALL PROCEEDS are directed to various Kids groups in the Edmonton Area!!!!!!!
Nivember minutes
The Edmonton & Area 567 club November meeting minutes
Nov.6/2019 @ the New West Hotel conference room 18 members
The club welcomed a new member, Mr. Mike Lynn. Welcome Mike !The October minutes were reviewed & accepted by all present. The treasurer’s report was given & the Bank account is in very good standing and all disbursements have been completed and closed. The report was accepted by all members present.
Donations of $1100.00 ea. were given to Win House, Be Brave Ranch & the Autism group of Edmonton (Autism Edmonton) from our swap meet & show n shine gate.. The application to the Province has been submitted for the 2020 year for our Non-Profit status.
Remember ! Club swap meet is April 10& 11/2020 & Our 20 th Annual “Bowties vs the World” is slated for August 29/2020 !!!!
Club calendar will be ready for sale on November 29, They are a 14 month Calendar and sale for $10.00 each with the proceeds going to various kids charities in the Edmonton Region. Order yours to-day, See Jim or Norm.. there will be some for sale at the Christmas gathering on Dec.4… They would make Great stocking stuffers !!
Annual Christmas gathering will be at the Smilie’s restaurant in Sherwood Park on December 4, hence NO monthly meeting to be held..The cost is $25.00 per person (buffet style), Please bring cash to cover your meal cost.. Beverages are your own responsibility.. NOTE, the RCMP are not too nice in Sherwood Park, if ya’ know what I mean…
All members are asked to draw up a 20 th Anniversary logo design for the upcoming Show n Shine, incorporating B vs W logo.. All designs to be handed in by May 1 st . The winning design selected to win a prize. Let’s see what you can do!!!!
50/50 winners
Mark B won the $$$$, Lloyd S won the Musclecar Book & Dave M.
won the NAPA Auto Parts ball cap..
Parts for Sale
Jim K. has a rear window for a’55 or ’56 Sedan $ 75.00 plus a couple pairs of BBC stock height valve covers. One pair is painted black & embossed with “Chevrolet” on them for $80.00.. The other pair are Chromed embossed Edelbrock valve covers (never mounted, still in the box) with a K& N breather, $100.00
1999 GMC 3500 C/C dually with canopy- $4800.00.. See Jim for info and pics…
Wade A. has the following ’55 items for sale:
’55 roof from a 4 dr $400.00, ’55 hood in primer $400.00
’55 dr. side Fender (needs work) $150.00, ’55 inner fenders 1 pr. $80.00
’55 front & rear seats from a 4 dr. $200.00
Looking for a Posi rearend..
MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL CLUB MEMBERS &THEIR FAMILIES…Next meeting is January 8 th / 2020 @ the New West Hotel 7 p.m…
October Minutes
The Edmonton & Area 567 club October meeting minutes
Start @ 7 p.m New West hotel Conference room
17 members present
The meeting started with Interm prez. Jim K. reviewing the Sept. minutes & all members present accepted as read..
The Treasurer’s report was given, as was the case in Sept. the club account is Great!. The cost factors of our show n shine were presented & we came thru really good.. The breakdown on the costs was presented & all present accepted the report as given..
The donations of $1100.00 each were decided by the members and the following groups will receive the $$$$.. They are the Win House, Be Brave Ranch & Audism Edmonton.. Plus all of our expenses were taken care of & we are in the “Black”.
Bowties vs the World:
20th year of our event and it is on August 29 at the NAPA facility, 17310-111-Ave. Open to all makes!! The club is to make this a GOOD ONE !!!
Club Calendar:
Photo shoot was taken on Sept.8 as reported at Dawson’s Motors.. At first it was decided that 1000 calendars would be produced.. BUT due to the lack of sponsors for this project, the number was reduced to 500 calendars and the cost per month was dropped to $300.00 per sponsor.. The calendars sell for $10.00 each and according to some members, there is a lot of interest to purchase this calendar. They are a 14 month calendar with a mixture of pin-up style photos and just the vehicle alone.. All $$$ raised are going to various Kid’s groups in Edmonton.
Edmonton Civic retirees Mini car show occurred on Sept.27 and was briefly discussed by all present.. Only a couple of our members showed up (due to inclement weather) & the ESRA had close to 10 members appear. A nine course meal was offered to all that attended..
Swap meet info:
The club attended the Capital region Swap meet in Stony Plain,this occurred on Sept.27.. The turn out for shoppers was that ok & the club table was busy..
The Quicktimes Swap Meet in Red Deer was held on Oct.12 & the turn out there was great in the morning but slow in the afternoon.. Our Club table had it’s good moments in the morning (as to interest in our club) but like everyone else there, the afternoon was not that great..
The SVAA had their fall meeting in Red Deer during the Swap meet & Jim K. represented our club.. One thing that really stood out was the topic of “old” tires used on collector vehicles. It has been heavily suggested that if you have tires on your “ride” that are old, maybe it is time to replace them. So that you may not experience a mishap with the old rubber.. Several cases were noted.. One most recently involving a ’63 split window corvette & one of his rear tires blowing out causing it to Flip at the speed it was travelling on his way to Radium S/S..
Our Spring Swap Meet is a GO, as the membership decided to continue our efforts, it is slated for the Easter week-end, April 10-11 at Millenium Place in Sherwood Park.. More info on this at the January meeting due to our December’s meeting is our annual Christmas gathering & we just eat and be merry for that night..
As was the case, the club is still searching for a monthly meeting recorder..It is a easy job, Bernie did a terrific job when he was our guy but now we have to search for his replacement.
The annual Christmas gathering will be discussed at the November meeting and a final decision will be made by all present as to where it will be.. There is a number of members with some ideas and they all will be presented at the November meeting.
Parts for sale:
Norm M. still looking for a Tri-five body for his stock car or mud racer project.
Jim K. has a rear window for a ’55 or ’56 sedan (CHEAP!!) plus a couple of pair of BBC stock Height Valve covers. One set is painted in Black for $80.00 pr. and a new set (never mounted) Chrome Edelbrocks with K&N breather for $100.00..
October 50/50 winners:
Norm M. won the cash, Doug J. won a NAPA gift mug & Gene L. won a GM high performance catalogue.
Meeting ended at 8:10 pm
Next meeting on Nov. 6 @ the New West Hotel conference room @ 7 pm..
September Minutes
The Edmonton & Area 567 Club September meeting minutes
Start @ 7 p.m New West Hotel Conference room 16 members present
The members welcomed a new member Terry Olander & the Interm Prez. Jim K. reviewed the August minutes, the minutes were then accepted by all members present.
The club account was presented by the club treasurer and it reflected on the outcome from the Show n Shine.. The account is in excellent standing & the report was accepted by all members present.. A “breakdown” on the Show N Shine costs and results to be discussed at the October meeting..
The 19th Annual Bowties vs the World:
We held the event on August 24 @ the NAPA Auto parts store at 111 Ave/173 St. The total number of entrants that entered was 126, that was the third best entrant count in the 19 yrs. that we have had this event.. The award results are posted on the club’s website along with some event photos.. We generated close to $ 2600.00 for our charity fund after all the Bills have been paid.. Next year’s event date has not been selected as of yet BUT we know it will be held in late August 2020..
The members are asked to select on the October meeting which Kid’s charities that the funds will be donated to.. Combine the spring swap meet “take” & the $$$ from the Show n Shine, we should be able to donate over $4600.00 to our selected charities.. The charity and amount to each selected charity to be decided..
Calendar Photo shoot:
This will be held at Dawson’s Motors on Sept.8/2019.. Jim has a list of 13 members interested to bring out their “rides” for this. The photographer is Mr. Ray Johnson from Millet and we have numerous ladies interested in appearing for the “shoot”.. Norm M. to pursue the sponsors for the 14 month calendar.. Plan is to have 1000 printed @ $10.00 each.. All monies generated will be directed to our Kid’s fund “pool”..
Edmonton Civic Employees Mini car show:
We have been asked to participate in a Mini car show along with members from the Edmonton Street Rod Association on Sept. 27 @ the Nova Hotel.. This will be between 11:00 a.m till 1 p.m approx.. A seven course meal will be provided by the Retirees to all members that bring their vehicles out..
Swap meet info:
The club will be attending the Capital Region Swap meet in Stony Plain on Sept.28, Along with our booth there will be several club members participating.
October 12 sees the Club at the “Quick Times” Swap meet in Red Deer…
Early discussion on our own Swap Meet to be “touched on” at October meeting…
Club is seeking New Minute recorder:
Bernie M. has “stepped” aside from his position & the club is now seeking a member to record our minutes at each meeting..
Annual Christmas gathering:
This year’s Club Christmas dinner is to be discussed at the October meeting..
Parts For Sale or needed:
Norm. M is looking for a Tri-5 body for a stock car or mud racer project.
Jim K. has a rear window for a ‘55/’56 sedan and a couple pair of BBC valve covers up for grabs, they are in black, one pair is ‘embossed’ with the word Chevrolet and the other pair has a Chevy Bowtie on each cover..
The winners of our monthly draw were not recorded, SORRY ‘bout that !!
Meeting ended at 8:10 P.M Next meeting is October 2/2019 at the New West Hotel conference room located @ 151 St/111 Ave ..
Minutes recorded by ?????
Winners At Bowties vs the World
The 19th Annual Bowties vs the World
Show n Shine results
August 24/2019 @ NAPA Auto Parts (111 Ave/173 St)
126 total entries
All Years Truck – Sponsored by Maximum Mechanical
Winner – Kelvin Magera 1936 Chevy P/U R/U – Henry Lipka 1935 Chevy P/U
Best of the pre 50’s – Sponsored by National RV Siding
Winner – Bob Simpson 1946 Chevy Fleetline R/U – Bruce Cranston 1923 Model T
Best of the Tri-Five Era – Sponsored by Greasy D’s Rod & Kustom
1955 winner – Les Hastey, 1956 winner – Hank Gulaga, 1957 – Mike DeRegt
Best of the 50’s – Sponsored by Street Iron Kustoms
Winner – Buck Sackman 1956 Chevy 4 Dr. R/U – Robert Waite 1959 Pontiac
Best of the 60’s – Sponsored by Cougar Paint & Collision
Winner – Doug Kant 1965 Pontiac LeMans R/U – Brett Stevens 1968 Shelby
Best of the 70’s – Sponsored by Certified Radio
Winner – Silvia Janzen 1970 Nova R/U – Wendy Richer – 1970 Camaro
Best of Modern Street (1980-Present) – Sponsored by Headwind Automotive Solutions
Winner – Wes Track 2010 Dodge Challenger R/U – Harvey VanSemmler 1987 Firebird
The Edmonton & Area 567 Club Best member’s vehicle – Sponsored by Roy Marko’s Garage
Winner – Jim Kennedy 1955 Chevy R/U – Doug Joliffe 1955 Chevy
Single Award results :
Best Engine Detail –Sponsored by Pro-Stock Performance & Machine
Winner - Wes Track 2010 Dodge Challenger
Long Distance – Sponsored by Competition Insurance
Winner – Don McGowan Red Deer AB.
Best Future Project – Sponsored by Dawson Motors
Winner – Gordon Track 1968 Olds Cutlass
Best Rat-Rod – Sponsored by Ryerson Metals/ Jim Lamb
Winner – Vinnie Shankar 1929 Chevy
Special Interest – Sponsored by RonJen Automotive Cosmetics
Winner – Tony Bombino 1939 Jaguar
Best Early Hot-Rod ( Pre 1950’s) – Sponsored by Keith’s Water Services
Winner – Harold Properzi 1938 Ford
Best All Years small car – Sponsored by Nitromaniac TV
Winner – Harold Wengrun 2004 Ford T-Bird
Best Competition/Pro-street Vehicle – Sponsored by Route 99 Street Diner
Winner – Marcel Fortin 1966 Chevy II
Best Motorcycle – Sponsored by NAPA Auto Parts
Winner – Norman Messervey 2018 Trike
Best Of Show – Sponsored by Prath Trophy & Awards
Winner – Dave Scragg 1970 Pontiac GTO
Entant Cash draw - Megan & Andy Whitehouse Sherwood Park AB.
Bi-Annual Raffle – Dewalt Drill/Impact driver set – Alvin Ewanchuk Edmonton AB.
Nostalgia Metal Beverage Cooler – Paul Stewart Red Deer AB.
$50.00 Visa Gift card – Joe Hurst Edmonton AB.
NAPA Tool Chest – Kery Samardzija Edmonton AB.
Thank-you to all our Sponsors & To All that supported our Cause !!
August Meeting Minutes (For Information Only)
The Edmonton & Area 567 club August meeting
Start @ 7 p.m New West Hotel conference room 18 members
Review of July meeting minutes by V.P Shawn G. and accepted by all present.
Treasurer’s report was not given as our treasurer was away.
Bowties vs the World 2019:
Reminder that we require volunteers for ballot counting & various other duties at the event. Shawn has Car Brite products once again to be presented to the award winners. On site masseuse, located in vendor row. New contest this year is the “Ballon Shaving” contest plus Danchuck from California has supplied us with “goodie bags” for all 567’s that enter. Pre event BBQ at Jim’s house on August 17 (burgers and brats). Bring pot luck style deserts if you can.
The event is slated for August 24, lots of interest to this event, NAPA to provide a Tool Chest for a draw. Silent auction, Contests & many more..
Western Canada meet:
Reported 105 attendees (mostly 567 vehicles), some others types were invited to attend.. Event went well & weather was ok.. Some event “swag” was sold out..
Garage tour @ Roy Marko’s:
Roy had a BBQ along with a garage tour that was attended by 8 club members. After the session, most of them “cruised” to the 149 St A & W St Albert’s annual “Rockin’ August” is this week, events all week long, show n shine on Saturday & Street dance on Friday night.
The Calmar Burger cruise was held & the few that participated enjoyed the day.
Parts for Sale or needed :
Norm M. is looking for a tri-5 body for a stock car or mud racer project.
A ’55 Chevy Frame with motor & suspension is for sale.. it is high quality, price is $12,000.00 CDN Contact Tom Sweeney (sorry no contact # provided)
Roy M. has a Ford Convertible for sale.. Contact Roy for more info..
Jim K. has a Full rear window for a ’55 or ’56 sedan for sale. Plus various BBC valve covers (one set is a brand new Edelbrock package) Contact Jim for all the info.
50/50 draw:
Cash won by Leon V., 2019
GM performance catalogue won by Dave M.
Beverage cooler won by James ??
Minutes recorded by Bernie M Meeting ended @ 8 p.m
Next meeting is September 4 @ 7 p.m New West Hotel conference room
Meeting This Wednesday
Be There!
New West Hotel, August 7th, at 7pm. All important meeting with many items to be discussed.
Come for dinner (you buy!) to socialize before at 6:15pm.
New West Hotel, August 7th, at 7pm. All important meeting with many items to be discussed.
Come for dinner (you buy!) to socialize before at 6:15pm.
Cruise to Calmar
(Left to Right) Roy/Rebecca’s 56 Pontiac, Dougie Joliffe’s ‘55, Craig Shepperd’s ‘57 & Jim/Linda’s ‘55 lined up for the burgers & shakes cruise to Calmar’s Burger Joint. Great time had by all.
Next one, TBA
Next one, TBA
July Minutes for 567 Meeting
The Edmonton & Area 567 club’s July meeting minutes
New West Hotel conference room @ 7 p.m with 22 members present
Review of June’s meeting minutes by Interm Prez Jim K. & accepted by all members present.
Treasurer’s report was given & the account is outstanding, report accepted by all members present.
Club Swag:
The new version of the club’s t-shirt is now available ($20.00 ea) & some ball caps are also available (mesh & non mesh type @ $20.00 ea.). See Jim for the “stuff”.
567 Western Canada Meet Re-union (July 11-13)
Brian C. is our rep for this event, approx. there are 8 members to attend from our club. A meet & greet on Friday nite, Saturday has a Breakfast, car show, swap meet & evening Social are planned.
Bowties vs the World:
August 24/9 am- 4 p.m, a volunteers ign up list was compiled at this meeting for various areas required.. Set-up is slated for 8 a.m & tear down shortly after 4 p.m. There will be a “after event” supper for all event volunteers once all is done. If it is a Rain out, we will hold the event on Sunday…NAPA has supplied a tool chest for a draw plus Certified Radio has 2 GPS tracking devices for a draw as well plus our usual door prizes.. Fat Franks has confirmed their attendance as well. Some unique items for the Silent auction too.. Plus our pie eating contest, Ladies sparkplug changing contest, shop creeper drag races & Balloon shaving contest.
To all members that have outstanding raffle tickets & cash, Please get them to Jim ASAP !!! Raffle draw at the Show n Shine !!!!!!!
Sunday cruise to Calmar’s Burger shop is slated for July 21, meet at A&W on Hwy 60 @ 9:30 a.m, then we will head over to Devon, meet some members & head over to Calmar.
Upcoming show n shines in the area:
July 13 – Millet, July 14 – Viking, July 20 – Drayton Valley, July 24 – Legal & Lacombe.
BBQ @ Roys/Rebecca’s on July 6/2019 anytime after 4 p.m.. 13348-109A-Ave.
50/50 draw:
Cash won by Armand L, Muscle car book won by Dave M., GM parts catalog won by Sheldon M.
Meeting ended @ 8:10 p.m
Meeting minutes recorded by Bernie M.
Next meeting on August 7/19 at the New West Hotel conference room.
Good Sam Jamboree June 15
June 15- The members of the Edmonton & Area 567 club were invited to spend a day with “Good Sam” RV folks at the Rich Valley Agriplex. They have a general meeting week-end for all their members a couple times during the summer and they chose our group to blend in with their theme, which was the “good old 50’s”.
Craig/ Vanessa Shepard ( 57 Chevy B/D) & Jim / Linda Kennedy ( ‘55 Chevy 210 ) were the members that came out and enjoyed the day’s events. A very good time was had by all, which included bathtub races, draws, a sock-hop & just a good time.
here are some photos of the day that we indured, and enjoyed.
GM Show and Shine
Photos from the GM show and sine on June, 23, 2019
Our Edmonton and Area 567 club members were there.
Keeping the Tri 5 Alive
Keeping the Tri 5 Alive
Our Sponsors
Thank you to all of our many sponsors: Keeping the Tri 5 Alive here in Edmonton and Beyond.
Our Thanks to all our sponsors! Keep the Try 5 Alive and support these fine businesses


Dawson Motors LTD
Ryerson Metals Ltd.,
Certified Radio
RonJen Automotive Cosmetics Ltd
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