567 Club
Month of February 5 2020 - Commencing at 7:00
At National RV Siding (144482 – 124 Ave)
New Members: None.
Last month minutes Read by Jim.
Old Business
2020 567 Calendars – Our expenses are covered and we are now making money for our charities. Members are asked to assist in sales and if you need information on anything calendar related contact Norm or Jim.
Our Swap meet to take place on Easter weekend April 10, 2020. Millennium Place 2000 Premier Way Sherwood Park. Volunteers are requested for set up all day Friday, gate security Saturday, please come out and help. 90 spots 10’X10’.
Our Show and Shine to take place on Saturday August 29, 2020. Napa 17310 – 111 Ave Edmonton.
Volunteers are requested for set up early Saturday morning, please come out and help. Jim meeting with Mike to discuss details.
We are having a logo contest for our 567 Bowties vs world Show and Shine. Members are asked to create a 20th Anniversary logo design for the event. Logo must incorporate the Bowties vs. World theme with a special one off 20th Anniversary included for this year.
Members have up to the end of March to submit your artwork with a prize will be awarded to the winner.
Danchuk is on board to assist promotion of our show and shine event.
Show and shine winners will receive an engraved metal/aluminum drive-in style window serving tray supplied from Danchuck. These trays are also available to Members, if interested please contact Jim as he is handling the ordering, $15 CDN funds.
Thanks to Rosco and Misty.
Members are asked to talk it up about the show and shine to possible companies/individuals who would like to participate on vendor’s row or donate door prizes. This is a big job so please assist in anyway you can.
Roy to follow up on drive-in style movie night where we put up a couple movies on the side of the building. Waiting for permission from Mike at Napa.
Rockabilly band/dance and entertainment for onenight approx. cost of $1800. Jim to discuss with Mike of Napa
The suggestion from Wade about a Member points system to encourage more participation was voted on with unanimous support.
Members can accumulate points by:
1 point - Attending monthly meeting
1 point - Drive your 567 car or truck
2 points - Attending an organized cruise with your 567
2 points – Club tour of your Garage
3 Points - Working 567 swap or show
3 Points – Organize a shop tour (vendor you have done business with)
Members will be able to “spend” points at years end with announcements to take place at year end Christmas gathering. Think on it, we can add more details and ideas as we go.
New Business
Jim and Don are signing authorities on account. Looking to get another person on account. Norm to be added
Pay web site upkeep? 500 to 700 views a month.
$25.16/year or $17.99/year for 5 years. Voted in favor of 5 years, unanimous
20th Anniversary cooozies for registered cars to show and shine. Same as was received at Christmas dinner but will have 20th Charity show and shine.
Voted in favor, unanimous
Need to order t-shirts, no 2XL in stock. Order 24 2XL. Voted in favor, unanimous. Gene to follow up and order.
Pay Club insurance $308. $7.00 /Member
$5 pizza pop available at meetings, voted in favor, unanimous
Open Mic
Craig’s ‘57 car sold
Jim’s truck sold
Wade asked to email an invite other Canada 567 Clubs and ask for information on other club events. All were in support.
Event Suggestions (Are you willing to Champion/Organize an event?)
Garage tours – Please let us know if you want to host at your garage.
Wheels repair place tour,Jim to follow up.
Vintage blast tour, Gene LaRose to follow up.
Perfection tour with Joanne, Norm to follow up.
February 15 Lethbridge Swap Meet
March 21 Quick times swap Red Deer
March 28 silent auction at Black Jacks
April 25, 26 Stoney Pain Swap
May 1&2 Red Deer Swap
May 30 Black Jacks Car show (co sponsor Mainstreet Cruisers)
May TBA Dons Cornish, Open field swap in Millet, AB
Next Month meeting will be at National RV Siding (14448 – 124 Ave) again due to the renovations taking place at New West Hotel with completion date unknown. Members who have a suggestion for meeting location please share with group at next meeting.
Cory looking for Ls 5.3 and 6 Ltr cores,
Don Cornish
Jim has Two sets BBC valve covers, chrome or black
Craig Shepherd has a ’57 split bench front seat.
Wade has 4 dr set of doors
Mike Lynn has a floor for sale
Door Prizes
Dave Moore
Mech gloves,
Gene Boesevert
Book donated by Craig,
Rob McKay
Murray Holden of Brandon Manitoba contacted Jim and is looking for power steering for ‘57 six cylinder. Please contact Jim if you can assist Murray.
Bently is looking for frame to build outriggers.
Wade is looking for ’55 front seat, split bench and ’55 tail lights
Adjournment 7:55 PM