
November and December Minutes

The Edmonton & Area 567 club monthly meeting minutes for Nov & Dec./2023

 November's meeting was held on Nov. 7th, our bank account is still V.G!   There was 13 members present & we discussed to upcoming Christmas Social & had voting done for the Annual Bernie McIvor award... This award will be presented at our Christmas social by the family of our fallen member Bernie McIvor.. We had a short discussion on everyone's winter projects.
 Two fellas from the Calmar car club approached the group to see if we would be interested to have their club join our group, lots of Q & A, our club will decide in the New year on their proposal.. Their proposal has us taken over their bank account & some other areas of theirs.. Stay Tuned !!!
 The Annual Christmas social to be held on December 1st @ approx. 6:30 p.m at the club house. It will be a "potluck" style supper with those members who signed up to provide "grub"..  All people interested in joining us for the night are ask to let Jim know before Nov.17...
We have to get our 2024 memberships taken care of SOON, we must inform the SVAA our membership status to them in order to receive their insurance coverage for each member for 2024, their deadline is January 15.
Each vehicle is covered by them ONLY when their is a Official Club event and you have your "ride" there.
MEMERSHIP is still only $25.00 pp for the year.

 Parts or vehicles required or FOR Sale
Nothing this time

Next meeting slated for December 6 at 14305-121A-Ave  (upstairs)

December 1st we had our Annual Christmas social, and it was well attended (see attached group photo) This year's Bernie McIvor award was given out for the first to two recipients, Gene Boivert ( His wife accepted the award ) and Don Cornish received his award also.. Congrats to both award recipients.... Well deserving !!!!!!
There was lots to eat and nobody went home hungery, lots of door Prizes were handed out also.. Mrs.C. Beland won the ladies only prize which was a Kerig coffee machine..
The December meeting was "scrapped" due to lack of participation..
Next meeting in the New Year is on January 3rd @ 7 P.M ( upstairs) We will be deciding on the club executive that night for the 2024 season as well and discuss if we are going to host the 2024 B vs W Show n Shine..
We may have some updates to discuss on the proposed 2024 WCM in Sask. Brian C. should have some info to pass on..
The Calmar car club propsal has to be decided also.....

On behalf of the Edmonton & Area 567 Club I would like to express to all a MERRY CHRISTMAS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!
                                                                           HOPE TO SEE EVERYONE IN 2024...
                                                                           Keep the Shiney side up !!!!

Merry Christmas 2023.

 From our family to yours!


October Minutes

The Edmonton & Area 567 Club October meeting Minutes
            Start time 7 p.m   12 members

 We covered the minutes from the Sept. meeting & a monthly Treasurer's report was given. Club account is still in good standing & only debits were to the ESRA for sponsorship fee                                                                                                                                                                                                                       plus our donation to the Zebra group .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
The club donated $700.00 to the Zebra children protection group, proceeds from our August S/S.
Just one donation to be made either to "Cops for Kids" or to the Edmonton Auditism Society...
The club has been advised that the Sask. 567 club are planning the 2024 WCM in Warman, Sask..  the planned date is July 19 thru the 24/ 2024... More info to come...

The club's Annual Christmas gathering is slated for December 1 @ the clubhouse..
Invites/letters to be sent out in Mid October to all members... This is a "potluck" style supper with various prizes, 50/50 draw & the "Bernie McIvor" Award presentation...
Swap meets were held at Stony Plain Ab ( Sept.30) and at Red Deer.(October 7) there was a date change                                                                                                                                                                                           to the Stony Plain Swap meet due to scheduling issues.. Stony Plain was slow & Red Deer was good. The club did not have spots at either one due to attendance issues..  Everyone are putting the "rides" away for the winter... It is coming as we know....
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Parts  & Cars For Sale

  Fellow member Dave Moore is searching for door Dome light switches for his '55
  A Non- member has a 1956 4dr. for sale.. Contact Ryan Yackel @ 204-471-8751 Winnipeg Mb.
Another Non- Member is searching for various 1957 Chevy parts to complete is restoration Contact Scott Murray @ 403-308-4565 Cardston  Ab.

 Next meeting is on November 1st @ 7p.m @ National RV & Siding  14305-121A-Ave..

                                                                    Be There !!!   Support you Local 567 Car Club !!


Bowties Vs The World YouTube Video

Click on the link for the video!


event results

Event results:

All years truck sponsored by Maximum Mechanical - 1st- Rhonda Biggs 1934 Chevy 3100      R/U - Dale Gochko 1972 GMC
Best of the Pre-1950's sponsored by Precision Performance - 1st- Dennis Guenette 1928 Ford Tudor  R/U - Dave Richardson 1949 Ford Custom
Best of the Tri-5's  ( Chevy or Pontiac )  sponsored by Greasy "D" s Rod & Kustom - single award only - 1955 - Bill Heindel   1956 - Richard Paradis   1957 - Stuart MacDonald
Best of the 50's  sponsored by  Tri 5 & Muscle. Com - 1st - Dallas Van Dresser  1958 Chevy Delray   R/U - Gerald Blommart  1950 Pontiac Chieftain
Best of the 60's sponsored by Cougar Paint & Collision - 1st - Trent Stevens  1968 Ford Shelby   R/U - Reg Richer 1969 Chevy Camaro
Best of the 70's sponsored by National RV Siding - 1st - Marcel Provencal 1970 Dodge Charger   R/U - Peter Fuss 1975 AMC
Best Edmonton & Area 567 Club member's vehicle sponsored by the Edmonton & Area 567 Club - 1st - Dave Moore 1955 Chevy  R/U - Robert Paron - 1957 4 dr. B/A

Single award winners
Special Interest  sponsored by Route 99 Diner - Ken Davidson 1957 Morris Minor
Best Engine Detail sponsored by Dawson Motors -  Bill Heindel  1955 Chevy
Best of Modern car 9 1980 to present) sponsored by Ryerson Metals/Jim Lamb - John Marcinkevies  1986 Buick Regal T-Type
Best of Show sponsored by Auto Appaisals by Trefko - Richard Paradis 1956 Chevy 
Long Haul sponsored by Edmonton and Area 567 club - John Pednz 1957 Chevy  Tofield AB.

Thank-you to all the sponsors, volunteers & those who support us ( the ENTRANTS)

Next Meeting is on Wednesday Sept. 6 @ 7 p.m  Upstairs 14305-121A-Ave ( National RV Siding )



The monthly meeting has been moved to AUGUST 9, there is NO meeting for August 1st..  This is a important meeting before the Show n Shine slated for August 26th..


June Minutes

                              Start 7 p.m   ended 8 p.m           13 members present

 Started with the May meeting review, all the info was pasted by the members..  Treasurer's report was given & all is excellent on our Account...All info was accepted by the members present.                                                                                                                                                                                 

All the event sponsors are IN.. Thank-you again !

    A brief discussion on the past month's activity was covered .. there are some images from Gene's memorial service that we want to share with you.. Lots of support from within the club, he will be missed,

 Now that the City has cleaned the streets from all the junk leftover from our Winter, Now we can Cruise again  with No issues to our "rides"..
 There was some discussion on the plans for the Annual Show n Shine on August 26... These were minor and those present have spoken to be heavy on the volunteering side of things.. As the date approaches  the club will finalize these areas.. Jim to meet with the "powers to be" at NAPA in July to "touch base" with them..
Promoting the event has started, the Posters have been printed and just waiting for the Flyers from the printer too...                                                                                                                                                                                A lot of Social media has been used & many clubs have been informed as well.
 If anyone is looking for glass work on their project or have their rubber seals looked after, there is a business that comes to your location.. Benchmark Glass is the business name, check them out !

We have been informed that the Harley Davidson shop at 74 St/Yellowhead Tr. has a weekly cruise stop every Thursday from 6 p.m till 8:30 p.m.. Something to check out.. Refreshments & goodies too..

Some of the "gang" do cruise to White Oaks A&W on Friday nites and also at the 149 St / 111 Ave. A&W on Saturday nites come on out and join us... 
Just to let ya' know, the 149st location has requested that all car clubs in Edmonton and their members do respect the parking in front of the SuperStore Warehouse till about 7 p.m.. This issue was brought forward last summer, due to some participant issues between them and the car gang taking their clients parking stalls..
There are plenty of Show n Shines every week-end around the city, too many to list, so it is up to you to check them out.. Due to our short summer, July and August are pretty heavy with events...
 Nobody has any parts for sale or are looking for anything...
 Again, I Messed up on our 50/50 winners, OOOPS !         For those who won, Congrats, eh ...

Our next Mixer or meeting is on June 5th, come on out... we won't keep ya' long ..... 
Upstairs @ 14305-121A-ave National RV & Siding .

                                                              Keep the Shiney side up, eh !!



More pictures... note from Jim

I have been down for awhile recooperating from minor heart surgery, nothing serious to speak of.... Jim

may Minutes

 The Edmonton & Area 567 club May minutes
                                                                                                start 7;05 pm                       10 members present


  The minutes from the April meeting were reviewed with those in attendence & were passed..

The treasurer's report was given and is in good standing,  & one debit was made for up-date print on memorial plaque.

This meeting was rather short due to Hockey playoff game, some items were covered however..
As we all know by now, a long time member had passed, Mr.Gene Boisvert and a celebration of his life was held on
May 17th at the Woodvale Centre ( see pic ) a few members came out with their cars plus others members attended
in support...    R.I.P Gene

 The club members presented Norm with a special gift for his donation of the use of a "clubhouse" to hold our gatherings.
   A pic is enclosed also..

  The topic of our Annual B vs W Show n Shine was discussed and we re still waiting for 4 more sponsorships to come forward, the sponsors are coming back But we are still waiting for 4 of them to "anti up" ... So far we are at 85% covered.. the promos will start in July ( posters,flyers,etc)

                                                             Oh, the Oilers just scored !!!

The club was at the Stony Plain swap meet on April 29 & had good response during the early hours of the event..
 There are numerous show n shines occurring in May & June, here is a list ... I hope the Dates are correct !!


May 28  Icebreaker S/S in Nisku     
May 29 Blackgold Rodeo S/S in Leduc
June 6 Blackjack's Roadhouse 3 club S/S ( ESRA, Mainstreet Cruiser & Mopar group)
  June 3 Three Hills S/S & Swap Meet          
 June 4 Chipman S/S
June 8 Canterbury Seniors S/S ( NOTE : club members requested to attend, contact Jim if you can attend)
  June 10 Ardrossan H.S S/S       June 11 Parkinsons Awareness S/S @ Yesterday cars museam

June 17 Christ City church S/S    June 24 ESRA Summer Cruise

There was no 50/50 draw due the very brief meeting ( Ya' know Hockey had our interest)
the meeting ended @ approx. 7:45 pm (end of the 1 st period)

                                                        Next meeting is on June 7 @ 7p.m at 14205-121A-Ave upstairs..
                                                                      BE THERE !!



April Minutes

The Edmonton & Area 567 Club April meeting minutes
                                                                                                               Start time 7 p.m  End @ 8 p.m   10 members present

Reviewed March meeting minutes & all was accepted by those present.  Treasurer's report was given & account is in good standing, 3 debits on the account all ok & payments complete.. Still seeking some membership renewals for 2023..



It is with Great sadness to announce that one of very good members has passed. on March 11/2023 Gene Boisvert was taken from us.. His family have planned a celebration of life on May 17 @ the Woodvale Facility ( Millwoods Golf Course starting at 11 a.m.. Cheryl has expressed that the club members that want to come out with the cars be there for 10 a.m and you can wear your jeans and a Black T-shirt.. I am sure that Gene would like all of us to wear our "colors"...Apparently they have a reserved row for our group, if you plan to attend give Jim a call  maybe we can "cruise" down to-gether ( and avoid being scattered in the parking lot)..



The club was at the Quick Times swap meet in March & received lots of interest, the club has a spot at the Stony Plain swap meet on April 29.. Drop by and say "Hi"..



Pleased to announce that all classes at our Annual Show n Shine have sponsors Now, to be held at NAPA Distribution Centre on August 26. They are located at 173 St/111 Ave..


We need assistance from the members make this event "run" smooth, too much to do with only two people... Event discussion at our May meeting...



 A suggestion was made by a member present to hold the Monthly mixer at the A & W on 149 St/111 Ave on Saturday evenings..Sounds good !, we will discuss the idea at the May meeting.. May be better as the weather is muchly improved up here in the Great White North..


There are still lots of areas in the city that have to be street swept, be careful when "cruising"..



The May meeting attendence will be affected by the Oiler game that Nite. Thanks NHL !!!



Next meeting on Wed. May 3/23 @ 7 p.m upstairs National RV building..



  50/50 draw
                       Sorry gang, I did not record the winners ( I'm Bad)



 Seeking parts or selling items
                           Nobody has anything at this time except Norm so give him a Call...


 Thank - you to all that came out & showing your support !!!!


2023 BowTies Vs the World

 August 26 
@ NAPA AUTO PARTS  173 Street/111 Ave    
Contact Jim @ 780-721-5553

March Minutes

The Edmonton & Area 567 Club March Meeting
 Start 7 p.m         10 members present

We reviewed the minutes from the February meeting & the members present accepted all.   Treasurer's report on the Club's account was presented & All ok... One debit to Red Deer Swap meet  for our spot and it was taken care of...
     A brief discussion on 2023 edition of Bowties vs the World has held. 50% of last year's sponsors are returning so far
           and at this time we are searching for a new location due to the increased entries and location size...
 Most members have renewed their memberships but we are still accepting renewals & NEW Members (always)
       Only $25.00 per year ( includes cost of Insurance coverage when attending club events plus office operations)...

This meeting was a "open floor " type meeting, members discussed various topics.... The monthly "mixer" dates will be 
discussed at the April meeting..

The club will be at the Quick Times Swap Meet this year (March 25) & at the Stony Plain Swap meet in April (April 29) to  promote the club...

The popularity of the Tri-5 Chevys is Still very strong, however finding part cars for our hobby is drying up in Western Canada.. We are all waiting for the snow to go and start cruising, there is lots of sand & debris on the roadways still, so be careful !!

 Next month we will be able to provide info on our Annual show plus others in the Area... Seems like there are many this summer..

  50/50 winners My Apologies as I lost the results ..
                                                     Meeting ended @ 8:05 p.m

                                                    Next meeting on April 5/2023 @ 7 p.m                                      BE THERE !!

                                                    Upstairs @ 14305-121A-Ave          National RV building..


Shop Tour at Farley's

 Pics of the event!!!

On January 28 the club was given a shop tour at a local Hi-preformance repair business called "Farley's".. The club would like to thank Greg for his hospitality & the tour.. Here are just some of the "pics" from a lot that I took.. The next visit with him will be a tour for the members to his car collection warehouse in the near future..      Jim

February Minutes

The Edmonton & Area 567 Club  February Meeting  held on February 1st @ 7 p.m

                                                               Discussion on January meeting minutes were discussed

                                                               Treasurer's report was given and all O.K..

                                                               A report was given about our shop tour to Farley's shop, very positive by everyone who attended.. Cool Place !!!!


 The idea of having a monthly social at the club house ( like we did last winter ) will be addressed at our March meeting.

     We just have to select the date and times.. Bring your own Booze & shared snacks....

                                                                The club will have a spot at the Quick Times swap meet on March 25.. If any member that has a item(s) they want us to sale for them, let us know ASAP.  Price that you are asking must be noted.. No Large items ( I have a bad Back)

     Bowties vs the World 21st Annual Show n Shine, is slated for August 26, location and more info TBA...

 Norm has purchased a 1955 Gasser Project.. More to come on this project..

  This was a shortened meeting due to the inclement weather that we had on this day and during the current week...  Br,Br,Br

                                                  Parts for sale or Searching for
                                                 Nothing current

                                SWAP MEETS & CAR SHOWS
  Lethbridge Swap meet - Feb. 11 ????
 Quick-times Swap meet - March. 2
 Saskatoon Swap meet   - April. 8
           CDN Veterans Show n Shine - June. 11
ESRA show n Shine - June. 24
                    Bowties vs the World Show n Sine - Aug. 26

 NOTE: These are just the ones brought to our attention !!!

                                                                  50/50 Draw      

  cash won by Armand ?        2nd prize won by Gene L.    3rd prize won by Norm M.

  Meeting ended at 8:00 P.M next meeting March 1st/2023 @ 7 p.m   upstairs National RV Siding 14305-121Ave N.W

January Minutes

The Edmonton & Area 567 Club January meeting minutes
     Jan. 4, 2023 @ 7 p.m   13 members present

                                                  The group discussed the December 2022 meeting & our Annual Christmas get together... Very Positive reviews from all those who participated..

                                                  The year has started ( Happy New Year ) with our Bank Account still being strong..   All debts have been taken care of & NO outstanding issues.

           The annual membership is still only $25.00 per member, this covers the insurance for the club members ( while you attend a club function) and any club function that we hold, administration costs and various club promos.. This unique insurance policy is offered by the SVAA folks every year, $15.00 per member and is offered to all Alberta  listed car clubs..

                                                  Holding a Monthly Social at the "clubhouse" was briefly discussed & will be addressed at our March meeting.. (once some members are back from winter vacations)
 All members please make any changes on your contact info ( if any) and forward the info the Gene B.

There have been 3 interested groups  (newsletters) so far about our Annual show n shine.. Once we select a location, we will inform them.. The date for the event is August 26 / 2023... We have to set-up a organizing committee to set things up.. This will be our 21st Annual event.. We could use your support & Ideas...

 The club's executive for this 2023 has a few changes, 
Norm M. is our V.P, 
Armand L. is our club secretary, 
Gene Boisvert is our membership director 
and as was requested from all members present, our club's Treasurer & President will stay as is with Jim K. at the helm....

   Parts for Sale or searching for..

                                                       Nothing to list

   Swap meets and Show n Shines

                                                        Nothing to report

 Meeting ended @ 8:05 p.m     

 The next meeting on February 1st 7 p.m  upstairs @ National RV siding  14305-121A-Ave N.W

2023 BowTies Vs the World

  August 26  @ NAPA AUTO PARTS  173 Street/111 Ave     Contact Jim @ 780-721-5553