
November 2018 Minutes

The Edmonton & Area 567 club November meeting 

Start time 7 p.m w/12 members present @ the New West Hotel Conference Room

Interm Club Prez Jim K. read the October minutes and the minutes were accepted by all those present.
The report on the club’s Bank account was given by Jim & the info on the club account is good & all members present accepted the report with No issues or concerns.
The Edmonton & Area 567 club members have decided to have our current executive stay on as is for another term. Those currently on the “board” have no issue with the membership decision.
At this print the club had only 36 calendars left, out of 250 printed, the interest is very good & very surprising. All but a couple members, who were there, took the rest of the calendars to “aid” in distributing them.
The Spring Swap meet location was investigated by Norm M. & he has stated that Nov.15 he would find out more on this location & will report to the membership at the December meeting. We would like to hold the event in February, as to not clash with the other two groups in March. If there is anyone else that can assist us in locating a place please let us know ASAP, please.
A idea was brought forward regarding a raffle with ½ going towards our kid’s charity pot & the ½ toward club operations. Lots of positive discussion on the concept with more to come.. Idea is to have it in place, so start to sale tickets at the various Spring Swap meets in the area.
There was an open discussion on membership commitment & event participation, after all the “dust” has settled it was addressed that All clubs no matter what they represent have this issue & maybe some quality “fixes” from members will evolve to resolve this topic. We have a fantastic “core” group but the involvement from others has to be addressed.
The Club Christmas party is on December 8 @ Norm’s place, with it being a “potluck” style meal. Please, contact Norm if you are coming & what you are bringing. We need a “head count”. You can contact Norm @ either 780- 485-3144 OR 780-951-0521.
The Saskatoon 567 club is reviving the Western Canada meet in July. Many of us plan to attend. Our club is in the process of arranging a 567 convoy of member’s “rides” going out there & possibly sponsoring an award. More discussion at the December meeting. You can go to their website to view the accommodations available.
Rebecca Marko has invited the Club Executive to come to her & Roy’s place to select a new format for our Club’s website. Slated for Nov.16. The club will provide the $$ for the goodies.(er, the meal) Our current format on our website is outdated & has to be replaced by the end of November.
Club Insurance is about to change, what with the policy that the Speciality Vehicle group of Alberta has to offer it will save us a lot of $$$ and for the same coverage that we currently have with Competition Insurance. Jim to look into this policy and possibly “move” on it for the group.
Jim has a meeting planned with Mike L & Sam P. from NAPA Auto Parts to start the plans for next summer’s Show n Shine. How the meeting went will be addressed at the December meeting. Bowties vs the World is slated for August 24 @ the West-end NAPA Center. This will be our 19thyear !!!! WOW !!
Monthly 50/50 draw:
Cash won by Gene L. A Mopac Perf. t-shirt won by Brian C. & Bernie M. won the other t-shirt.
Next meeting on December 5 @ 7 p.m New West Hotel conference Room


Minutes recorded by Bernie M


Members Christmas Party

To all paid up members:

Our annual Christmas party will be at Norm M's house on December 8 at 6:30 pm.

Contact Norm M by December 1st, to RSVP- reminder this is for paid members only, so if you haven't renewed your membership now is the time to do so. See you there!


Edmonton 567 Club October Meeting Minutes

The Edmonton & Area 567 Club October General Meeting :
held Oct.3/2018
Start time 7p.m. with 15 members present

Welcome Back to the club! Mr. Dave Moore!! Our Latest Member!!

The minutes from the Sept. meeting were read by Interm Prez. Jim K. & they were accepted by all present.

The treasurer’s report was then given & the club account is ok and Jim has applied for the 2019 Non Profit Society status.. The members present accepted the report as well.

We gave the Daysland Alberta playground fund a donation of $1000.00 for this year & the 2 other groups selected ( Be Brave Ranch & Autism Edmonton) will be given their donation from us, once the “tally” from calendar sales is completed.
The club calendars are currently for sale at $5.00 each, with proceeds from the sales going to our above mentioned Kids charities. The calendars are moving quite well & word has it that only 3 dozen are left. 

These are 14 month calendars from November 2018 through to January 2020. Get yours soon!!

Discussion on a 3rd Annual Swap meet was briefly touched on. Norm M. has a real estate buddy looking at a site for us & Norm will touch base on what he has found out at this event location. The time, date & place to be announced soon. Some final arrangements must be solidified before we can move on it. More info & member discussion at our Nov. meeting. Where we had the swap meet the last two years is too expensive for us(Millenium Place in Sherwood Park) & the date that they are offering to us in 2019 is on the Easter week-end.

The idea of a raffle was presented with 1/2 proceeds going to the selected charities & the other 1/2 towards Club operations. This idea was well accepted & further discussion at our Nov. meeting will address this idea.

The club’s Annual Christmas evening will be held at Norm’s place again. A date & time to be announced at the Nov. meeting.

The summer of 2019 presents the event in Saskatoon of the 567 Western Canada meet resurgence. The members have been asked to participate & it looks like we will but further discussions at our Nov. meeting will occur. Lodging, sponsorship and other areas to be discussed by our club…

Our Website is due to be reconstructed at the end of November, Rebecca M (our new website guru) will have the club executive join her in redesigning the site.

On behalf of the Edmonton & Area 567 club: a bouquet of Flowers with a card was presented to the family of a well known club supporter, Mr. Randy Rowlinson from Pro-Stock Performance & Machine Ltd. Who was taken from this world way too soon… R.I.P Randy.

50/50 draw
Gene Larose won cash, Armand L won ????? & Kellen K. won a Matco tools coffee mug.
This was a shortened meeting that lasted just under a hour and a half.. The next meeting is Nov, 7 @ 7 p.m New West Hotel conference room..
Minutes recorded by : Bernie M


Calendar Almost Sold Out!

This upcoming calendar is almost....

Sold Out! Only a few more left! 

Support a Good cause, and get one (or more) ASAP.


New Calendar Available

The Edmonton & Area 567 Club 14 month Calendar

Keeping the trifive alive!

 ONLY $5.00 each. 

Contact Jim or Norm to get your copy (or copies) 

 Monthly dates from: December 2018 through to January 2020


Get yours soon! more than 50% sold! Come and see us at the Red Deer Swap meet to buy more.



September 2018 Club Minutes

The Edmonton & Area 567 Club September General Meeting
        Held at the New West Hotel on Sept 5/2018   
14 members present
The minutes from August were reviewed & read by Interm Prez. Jim K. and were accepted by all members who were present.
A treasurer’s report was given on account status & it was accepted by all members who were present..
The 18th Annual Bowties vs the World report:
2018 has not been kind to us as for raising $$$ for our Kid’s charities, we had a short fall at this year’s Show n Shine both in $$$ raised & entry count.. For the first time ever, the car club’s account had to be “dipped” into. The pros & cons were discussed by all present and the final decision is to be made on our donation amount at the Oct. meeting.. One thing sure is that the amount that we have “handed” out in the past will be smaller this year. The final count for entries was 85 in total & the $$ generated from this event covered the costs but fell short on our donation portion compared to the previous years.. Jim was hoping for approx. 100 plus entries. This is the first time in the 18 year history that the event had this issue arise.. However, for those who came out, they claimed to have had a good time & the event is a good thing.. NAPA Auto Parts came out to have our event at their location at 173 street/111 Ave.
Having them with us is Great and working with them for future S/S’s is a positive plus.. A BIG thank-you goes out to ALL Members that assisted at this event !!! Jim will meet with NAPA officials over the winter months to plan & have next year’s event the better than ever…
We learn something new every year & that is a good thing.. We always have to improve the event & learn from it to make the next one even better..
The award winners have been posted on the Club’s website & some pictures as well..
                                                                                                                         Club Calendar report:
The photo shoot was discussed (shoot was taken place in July @ the Burger Baron on 118 Ave/125 Street) & Jim K. who set this up was not too pleased & disappointed with the photos taken (either quantity or quality).. Never the less, the photos that a panel have chosen are being printed on the calendar and all monthly sponsors have come forward.. The calendar is a 14 month issue & sells for only $5.00 each.. If you would like one or more (hopefully more) contact Norm or Jim (or even a member). More than 125 of the 250 printed have been asked for already! They should be ready by Oct. 3 & at our booth at the Red Deer Swap meet, that is where we will have them for sale also.. Monies generated from the calendar sales will go towards the 2019 Kid’s charity fund..
Swap Meet report:
The club will have a table at the Stony Plain & Red Deer swap meets & is looking to hold our 3rd Annual swap meet in late Feb or mid Mar. 2019, more to be announced.. If anyone knows of a location other than where we have held our first two at, please let Norm, Jim or Roy know. The venue in Sherwood Park is ok but Pricey!
To All Members:
A memorial for Randy Rowlinson (owner of Pro-Stock Perf. & Machine) will be held on Sept. 23 at the Sherwood Park alliance church at 1:30 p.m .. We should have some members out for this, as Randy has been a supporter of our club for many years.. Our support to his family at this time would be greatly appreciated…
Raffle idea:
A raffle idea was discussed, the reason is to generate additional $$ to add to our Kid’s fund “pot” & to put some $$ back into the club’s operating account. More discussion on this idea at our October meeting..
                                                                                                                             50/50 draw
I have misplace the winner’s results (oops, I’m bad) again!!
Minutes recorded by Bernie M (our MMR)
Meeting ended at 8:15 p.m

Next meeting @ the New West Hotel located at 151 street/111 Ave
7 p.m on October 3rd.



August Meeting Minutes

The Edmonton & Area 567 Club August Monthly Meeting
Held on August 1/2018 @ New West Hotel: 9 members present

Vice Prez. Shawn G. presided over the meeting as current Club Prez. Jim K.was away.

There were no minutes provided from the July meeting.

Treasurer’s report for this month was also not reported due to Jim’s absence.

The club’s Photo shoot at the Burger Baron on 118 Ave./125 st. was held a few weeks ago. We were missing a few club members and their “rides”.. Norm & Jim have reviewed some of the photos that were shot & some other photos were not acceptable for what we wanted.. Club members to decide on the photos, that will appear on our 2019 Club Calendar at the next meeting. The calendar will be on sale once they are produced. Price not confirmed as of yet.

The main focus of this meeting is to get ready for the 18thAnnual Bowties vs the World Show n Shine.. The member pre event BBQ is slated for August 18 @ Norm Messervey’s house. This is pot luck style & BYOB.. The club will provide the Burgers / hotdogs & some non-alcoholic beverages. Norm’s address is 19016-75 Ave. The Show n Shine is @ a new venue as Canadian Tire (where we were the last two years) did not offer to do anything for us this year… We do not know what the entry count will be, due to our event is at a new venue & there are numerous Show n Shines slated around town that day.. Jim is hoping for 80-100 plus.

To be successful we will need all members to help out during the day. All members who are coming out to help & set-up, please meet at 8-8:30 a.m on August 25. Jim K. to stay overnight the night before to assure the parking lot is clear for us & get a early “jump” to set-up at the location.

A grassy location on the main Blvd in front of the NAPA building has been noted for all Tri-5’s entered. This is a proven attention grabber, so to speak.. Shawn G. has confirmed the portable washrooms will be set in place & Jim has applied for a special permit from the City (oscam permit) to have crosswalk signage put up.

Armand L. will provide the Trash cans for the event.

The businesses just across from NAPA on the south side of 111 Ave have ok’d the use for public parking. The crosswalk signs are to be placed on 111 Ave., so the public can cross safely. We have to provide crosswalk assistance for the public when crossing 111 Ave. All handicap parking stalls in front of the NAPA building must be open for their customers. The whole Eastside of the NAPA building is ours to use, plus if needed the large grassy area just north of the parking lot can be used as well. The area will be mowed for us.

Certified Radio has provided a CD player for raffle prize & also Maximum Mechanical has provided a “Drone” package too. The CD player is the Adult prize & the Drone is the Kids prize, Tickets are $2.00 for the adult prize & $1.00 for the Kids prize… Bouncy castles have been arranged to be out there for the kids, they must have a waiver signed by their parent & have a wristband on at all times while they are on the castles. Food trucks and an ice cream vendor has to be confirmed, Jim K.to look after that. Fat Franks has confirmed his appearance, however…

Vendor row will be along the eastside of the NAPA building & just a donation to our cause or a door prize is all that is needed from the vendors.

D.J will provide his own power supply but the call is out to have any member to bring one out as a back-up. Don C. & Jim K. to bring out their machines.

The ladies of some of the members will work at the reg. table. They are as follows: Zoe Messervey, Laurie Cornish, Linda Kennedy & Marg Lindgren… THANK-YOU ladies for your assistance, we couldn’t do it without you !!

Roy M. to take entrant photos again this year in front of the Club Banner between 9-11:30 a.m.

We hope to have the class awards handed out & the event conclude by 3:30 p.m…

Any questions about the event contact Jim K.
A short discussion on members projects & parts requires followed.

There was No 50/50 draw at this brief meeting.

Meeting ended at 7:45 p.m Next meeting on Sept.4 @ 7 p.m

New West Hotel Conference Room 151 street/111 Ave.

Come On out & Support you Club !!!


2018 Bowties vs the World Show n Shine- Winners

The 2018 Bowties vs the World Show n Shine

August 25, 2018 Class results

***All Years truck – sponsored by Maximum Mechanical
1st- Henry Lipka 1935 Chevy P/U 
2nd– Larry Pouliot 1937 Chevy P/U

Best of the Pre-50’s – sponsored by Samuel Metals 
1st – Paul Cardinal 1932 Ford Tudor 
2nd- Wes Jendruck 1950 Chevy Fleetliner

Best of the Tri-Five era – Sponsored by Greasy “D”s Rod & Kustom
1955 – Daniel Hauk 
1956 – Hank Gulaga
1957 – Brian Cherneski 

Best of the 50’s – Sponsored by Street Iron Kustoms
1st – Wes Jendruck – 1950 Chevy Fleetliner 
2nd – Fe & Mike Miron 55’ Chevy

Best of the 60’s – Sponsored by Cougar Paint & Collision
1st – Reg Richer 1969 Camero RS 
2nd– Ron Stockdale 1966 AMC Marlin

Best of the 70’s – Sponsored by NAPA Auto Parts
1st – Wendy Richer 1970 Chevy 
2nd – Armand Lindgren 1977 Trans Am.

Best of Modern Street – Sponsored by Headwind Automotive Solutions
1st – Tom Mah 1987 Buick GNX 
2nd – Harvey Von Semmler 1987 Firebird 

Edmonton & Area 567 members – Sponsored by Mar-Ko Custom & Fabrication
1st – Norm Messervey 1956 Chevy Wagon 
2nd – Jim Kennedy 1955 Chevy

***after a Ballot Review, Kevin Sterling 1968 Chevy P/U tied for 1st, an award will presented to him ASAP***

Single Class Awards

Best Rat Rod – Sponsored by National RV Siding
Winner – Dale Peck 1947 Chevy

Special Interest – Sponsored by Marvick Automotive Supply
Winner – Gerard Blommaert 1995 “Caddy” Hearst

Best All Years Small car – Sponsored by Nitromaniac TV
Winner – Gordon & Melanie Charters 1964 Acadian

Best Early Hot-Rod (pre – 1950’s) – Sponsored by Hurst Automotive
Winner – Glen Ferko 1947 Plymouth convertible

Best Competition/ Pro Street – Sponsored by Route 99 Diner
Winner – Rapid Response Race team 1948 International Drag Truck

People’s choice – Sponsored by Prath Trophy & Awards
Winner – Tony Nagtegaal 2018 Chevy Pick-up

Best Engine detail – Sponsored by Pro-Stock Performance & Machine
Winner – Daniel Hauk 1955 Chevy

Long Distance – Sponsored by Competition Insurance
Winner – Wes Jendruck from Athabasca, Alberta.

Best Future Project – Sponsored by Dawson Motors
Winner – Randall Ewasiuk 1931 Plymouth

EVENT CASH draw – Karen Ryder 

RAFFLE – CD player provided by Certified Radio -Winner - Paul Cardinal &
Permatex Drone provided by Maximum Mechanical - Winner- Kery Samardzija



Annual BowTies vs The World

A big thank you to everyone who came to our 18th Annual Bowties vs the World!

We had a great turn out at NAPA, and everyone enjoyed the fine day (it didn't rain!) and the cars that came out.

Thank you to everyone who came early to set up, the ladies who worked the registration, the sponsors, the volunteers for the raffle, and the set up and take down, and our vendors and sponsors.

Of course, we couldn't do it with out you!

Your support shows that once again, the Tri 5 is alive and well!

See you next year.


Annual Pre-Event BBQ

The Annual Pre-Event BBQ for the Show and Shine 2018 is:

At Norm M's House. 

August 18, at 6:30 pm, his address is 19016-75 Ave,

it is a BYOB and it is a potluck with either a main course, or a dessert, contact Norm M, for details.


June Meeting Minutes

The Edmonton & Area 567 Club June meeting Minutes June 6th 

@ approx..7 p.m 13 members present

Reminder: Canada Day Cruise

 Canada Day cruise to Daysland, Alberta this week-end.

Canada Day Cruise to Daysland, Alberta is Sunday July 1, 2018

 Anyone interested can Contact: 780-473-4559 (Jim K.) or e-mail Jim K.


May 2, 2018, Minutes

The Edmonton & Area 567 Club’s May General meeting Minutes

 Held at the New West hotel on May 2nd/2018 7 p.m 13 members present

April Meeting News and Notes

The Edmonton & Area 567 club April General meeting Minutes



From Jim and the Edmonton 567 Club Executive: 

March 7/2018 general meeting is a Shop tour at Norm’s National RV Ltd. 
14448-124 Ave @ 7 p.m 

We will also view his recent ‘55 Chevy project, Pizza will be provided!

Any Questions contact Jim @ 780-473-4559

-Web Team-


January 2018 Meeting Minutes

                       The Edmonton & Area 567 Club Monthly meeting 

Click "read more" to see the full minutes

2023 BowTies Vs the World

  August 26  @ NAPA AUTO PARTS  173 Street/111 Ave     Contact Jim @ 780-721-5553