
April Meeting News and Notes

The Edmonton & Area 567 club April General meeting Minutes

          Held @ New West Hotel @ 7 p.m     15 members present

The March minutes read by Club Prez. Roy M. & accepted by all present.
Guest speaker for to-nite was Richard Waykern from Razer.com to speak about the upcoming car show @ WEM and what Razer is all about.. They are new on the car/hot rod scene & are willing to help /promote the local car club scenio.. The show @ WEM is dubbed “hooked on Cars” & will be held Sept. 13-15/2018.. The major sponsor is Fountain Tire.. The club has been asked to attend this & set up a club display… All members present support this idea & Passed it…

The Treasurer’s report was given & Jim reports all is well with our account…

A short report on the Red Deer Swap meet was given & in all reports it was good.

Our car club trailer requires some minor suspension repairs & some new tires, this was accepted by members to get er’ done..

A cruise in the warmer temps. to the Burger Spot in Calmar was discussed. This will occur this summer and all members are asked to participate.. Date to be selected.

A club Photo shoot at the 125 St/118 Ave. Burger Baron is in the works, this could be for a calendar or updated promos.. The model has been approached & has agreed to work with us.. The photographer is the next thing.. Once all in place the members to select a date for this. The cost is only $35.00 per participating member.

A Daysland cruise on July 1st to their Show n Shine is planned, more to come at the upcoming meetings.

The club’s Swap meet is on June 9th & all vendors that were with us last year had been notified. Jim K. purchased 2 heavey duty carts for Loading & unloading vendor’s goods.. No Diesel powered units allowed in the venue..

Roy. M is stepping aside from his position & our interm Prez. will be Jim K. till we select a new executive in 2019..
                                                                                                                                                                        New Business

NAPA Decals have been installed on the club trailer as well all our long time sponsors are asked to have their company logos mounted on the trailer, this is ongoing. They have been with us for a long time so we will promote them..

The outlook with NAPA Auto Parts is to develop a solid long term relationship with them & go forward with their assistance in holding our Annual Show n Shine.

When the sponsors for the Show n Shine are completed, the event poster will be finalized & printed. This should happen ASAP.. Jim will approach the Kilkenny Scouts to have a BBQ at the event again.. Norm & Jim are working to have the members receive a discount at NAPA Auto Parts.  Stay Tuned..

50/50 draw
Cash won by Jim K.     a collectable ’55 wrist watch was won by Don C.
A Mopac Ball cap was won by Norm M.
Minutes recorded by Bernie M.                Meeting ended at 8:15 P.M
Next meeting date is May 2nd/2018

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2023 BowTies Vs the World

  August 26  @ NAPA AUTO PARTS  173 Street/111 Ave     Contact Jim @ 780-721-5553