The Edmonton & Area 567 Club May general meeting minutes
Held on May 1st at 7 p.m 16 members present Start time 7 p.m
Review of April meeting minutes by interm Prez. Jim K. & accepted by all members present.
Club bank account was reported by the treasurer and account in very good standing, the report was accepted by all members present.
Swap meet report:
We had 66 vendors for $2640.00 & at the gate we received $ 2800.00 ( approx..560 adults), 22 kids @ $2.00 ea. for $44.00, plus table rental $370.00.. The final total is $ 5854.00..Venue rental cost us $2520.00. Leaving us $3334.00 !!! which will be deposited in the Charity fund with the earnings from our Charity raffle & the proceeds from our Charity Show n Shine on August 24.. This year we only rented ½ of the venue & this was a great decision on our part, the area was well attended by vendors & shoppers… Nothing but positive response from all involved. Stay tuned for next year !!
Raffle report :
As of to-day $800.00 earned, projected to be $2000.00 in total. Draw date is August 24 at the Bowties vs the World show n shine. We need more tickets sold $2.00 each, only 1000 printed. There are 3 prizes offered…
A local off duty police officer found a 567 club hitch cover on the YHT near Sherwood Park.. If you have lost one, see Jim. K..
Calendar Photo shoot is slated for Sept. @ Dawson Motors ( 97 St/129 Ave). slated for 3-6 hours with a prof. photographer. The date & time TBA. Require 8-10 member’s vehicles. See Norm or Jim.
Club apparel was discussed, two prices for club t-shirts & jackets were researched. Two prices arranged were from $14.25 to $17.00 each for full color black t-shirts, larger sizes (ex. XXL) are a little more. Final Decision made @ June meeting. Other items mentioned were club hoodies $38.00 -$41.00 & jackets (spring/summer) w/embroidery logo on front and full club logo on back - $110.00.
Norm M. has info on “barrel Chairs” (made out of 45 gal. steel barrels) with upholstered seats & painted any way you require. See him about them.
Buy & Sell : Roy M. has a friend selling a pipe bender, metal brake & various sheet metal items for sale.
Jim K. has his 1999 GMC Shortbox C/C dually up for sale.
Added note: the folks @ Millenium Place have moved us up on the ladder as #3 from seniority. And have promised us that Easter Saturday is held for us for next year.
50/50 draw
Doug J. won the cash, Vern H. won pr. Mech. Gloves & Laurie C. won the GM Perf. Catalogue.
Meeting ended @ 8:15 p.m Next meeting June 4/2019 @ New West Hotel
Minutes recorded by Bernie M..
To ALL MEMBERS, PLEASE SELL YOUR RAFFLE TICKETS !! and return the sold stubs/cash to Jim… RAFFLE Deadline is AUGUST 24TH