
February 2014 Meeting Minutes

February 5, 2014 - 7:10pm, 12 Members in Attendance

1. Minutes from Jan. were read and reviewed .. Minutes adopted and passed by members..
2. Treasurer report given & passed by membership.
3. Advertising/sponsorship on Club trailer was discussed..Only Competition Ins. & Lesco to be received.. The Sponsorship fee is $100 and up.
4. The swap meet idea was discussed and No further decisions were made. Final discussion to be made at the March meeting..
5. The Club raffle is underway, most of the membership have tickets to sell.. The prizes are purchased..
6. Club will have a table at Red Deer to promote the Club & raffle...
7. Club elections were made and results are : Roy M Club Prez, Daymion W. V.P, Treasurer Jim K., Club membership Don C. ( Gene B. to assist) the club secretary will be open ( any given member at a meeting will be called upon to record the meeting)

1. Our website recorded 1380 hits for the month of January, which is pretty good for offseason. The number is up from 800 in December. 
2. Our club received 20 double guest passes for the Movie “Need for Speed” Preview on Feb 19th by Dreamworks/Disney Prod... We received 10 responses for these passes. Email was to be sent out to all members to reserve their passes to Jim..
3. If possible Jim K to look into getting 10 X 6 inch “club patch” done.. May have info on this at March Meeting...
4. Shop tour at Fountain Tire ( 82st/Yellowhead Tr.) is being planned.. Jim to arrange this and pass on further info @ March Meeting.
5. Require Volunteers to work at the club’s table in Red Deer on March 22/2014.. Please contact Jim if you can help out..
6. Waiting for the Dayton Valley people to contact us on their Swap Meet in April..
7. We are confirmed for the Antique swap meet in May @ Red Deer, we have a location for the trailer plus 3 tables..
8. Don C. had a discussion about a Cruise to Ma Me O beach to attend a Dance with a Oldies band playing.. Further discussion at March Meeting..
9. Another 1/64 scale Drag race is slated for all club members and their guests for the April meeting,  $ 5.00 entry fee..
                                      50/50 was won by Gene B. & 2nd prize won by Jim K.
           Meeting over at 8:30  Next meeting March 5th @ BlackJack’s Roadhouse.. Nisku AB @ 7:00 p.m
            Note: Kellen K had two DVD’s to show after the meeting ( history of Drag Racing in Edmonton & Old footage from the days at Speedway Park) that he produced..

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2023 BowTies Vs the World

  August 26  @ NAPA AUTO PARTS  173 Street/111 Ave     Contact Jim @ 780-721-5553